BloggingElite - Bluehost VPS Review 1

Bluehost VPS Review:Why To choose VPS Plan?


Price :18.99$/m

Bluehost VPS Hosting

  • Upto 4 cores and 8GB of RAM
  • Recommended by the WordPress
  • Optional SiteLock security & CodeGuard Backups
  • Easy migration from Bluehost Shared Plans
  • 37% off now at sign up (was $29.99, now $18.99)
  • Get started on Bluehost now.

Whether you write blogs, or you have an online store, or have an online academy, or have any other business related website, you would like to ensure that your customers get a worthwhile experience.

And you want to use this facilitating experience to increase your business and revenue. Bluehost VPS Review will support you to decide whether to opt for Bluehost VPS Hosting or Bluehost Shared Hosting?Read detailed presentation of Bluehost Review

Instead, if they confront miserable experience, bottlenecks in accessing the site, and prolonging loading time ,visitors leave your website in frustration vowing not to visit it again. Of course, you don’t want that to happen.

In order to avoid such a nightmare, you need to invest in the right tools to ensure the optimal performance of your website. For that, many people move to VPS hosting to achieve optimal performance, high speed, and higher bandwidth.

Bluehost is one of the Top Hosting Service Provider in the world and in this article we will in depth discuss and review the VPS hosting service offered by Bluehost. But before that let’s find out what is VPS hosting and how it is different from other hosting services.

Click This Special Offer to grab Bluehost VPS (just $18.99/month)

Features List Of Bluehost VPS

Before jumping into a detailed review on Bluehost VPS,Let us see the top notch feature offering by Bluehost in thier VPS Hosting.

  • Free Domain Name
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 30-Day Money-Back Gurantee
  • Extreme Performance
  • 24/7 Support
  • Root Access
  • Advanced Control Panel
  • Instant Provisioning
  • Dynamic Resource Allocation
  • Dedicated Resource

Features Of Resources of VPS

  • 2 Cores To 4 Cores
  • 30 GB Storage To 120 GB Storage
  • 2 GB TO 8 GB RAM
  • 1 IP Address To 2 IP Address

Resources are from Standard Plan To Ultimate Plan

Service Provider VPS Hosting







What is VPS Hosting?

VPS- Virtual Private Server —as the name suggest— is a virtual server, which may be located in any part of the world and you access it virtually via services provided by hosting companies. These hosting companies have established several data centers, and servers in them, around the world. While those who want to create online websites acquire the resources of those servers to maintain their website files and data.

Difference between VPS and Shared Hosting and Dedicated server

Now ,there are a number of hosting options available for customers to avail server resources, like RAM, CPU and Disk Space, as per their business requirement.  There are two (extreme) high ended options i.e. Shared hosting and Dedicated Hosting meanwhile VPS hosting is a bridging option between the two.

In Shared Hosting a server is allocated to a large number of customers/users, user do not have information on how many users or websites are shared as per the hosting company policy. Under Shared Hosting Plan, there is no guarantee of RAM or CPU usage.

Initially, when there is little traffic on your website, your website may work perfectly for you but as the traffic goes up, poor speed and Slow Website LoadingTime may haunt your website or blog.

To Start WordPress Hosting With BlueHost VPS Click Here>>

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Shared, VPS and Dedicated are most common hosting services widely offered by hosting service providers

As your traffic increases exponentially ,you can use other high end options i.e. Dedicated Server. A dedicated server allows you to have a complete server for allocated for you.

However, a complete dedicated server will warrant high price for utilising a whole server. Nevertheless, VPS Hosting Plan is for the situation when you have enough traffic to move up from Shared hosting but not enough to pay the high price of a dedicated server.

In VPS hosting, a hosting company allocates a Slice of a Server’s Resources, such as RAM, CPU, and Disk Space. You will be aware of the allocated resources available to you that will help to manage your website for the best optimal performance. These resources will be available to you no matter how much of them you will be using at any time.

Which one is better,VPS or Shared?

Cannot conclude with clear verdict to identify which plan is better, as plans are designed based on separate requirement.

If you are an entry level blogger or online business entrepreneur with little or low traffic on your website, then Shared Hosting is good for you.Read detailed review on Bluehost Shared Hosting

But as your website traffic grows in order to gear up your website performance you should move up to VPS hosting level. And your Traffic Growth has grown so exponentially that you can invest in a dedicated server and you believe it would help increasing your business growth, then you should go for a dedicated server plan.

VPS is in the very middle of this. If you want to improve your website performance maybe because the traffic on your website steadily growing, or you just want your users to have better experience on your website, or you are not satisfied with Shared hosting service, under any of these situations you can choose VPS hosting.

It provides an affordable yet worthy service for your consideration. The best part about VPS is that your allocated resources will be your whether you use it or not.

Bluehost VPS Hosting

Bluehost is not a novice in the hosting service provider arena. It has millions of customers to whom it serves its facilities and helps them run their online websites and applications.

In fact, it is one of the websites that is recommended by WordPress itself. Regardless of that, now we will delve into different parameters and features of the VPS hosting service extended by BlueHost and will review whether its VPS service is good enough for you to subscribe to it.

Pricing Plan for Bluehost VPS

Another important point to focus in our Bluehost VPS Review is pricing,Bluehost offers different VPS Hosting Plans as they vary from each other in price and features.

This disparity between plans is by design so you can choose a plan as per requirement of your website and budget. You can’t have the same plan for a website with 20,000 thousand weekly visitors and for a website with 20 million visitors. It won’t be optimal for both circumstances.

Bluehost VPS hosting has three tiers of hosting plans 

  • Standard 
  • Enhanced 
  • Ultimate.

The pricing of the Bluehost VPS hosting plan is quite in the middle of the thick. There are hosting providers such as, Hostgator that do have cheaper VPS plans but offer Bluehost offers better features for these extra bucks.

And there are hosting providers like SiteGround which is, despite, a little expensive but their services and performance are pretty solid as compared to Bluehost.

A Bluehost VPS standard plan starts from 18.99$ to 29.99$ per month that depends whether you procure their plan for a 12 month term or a 36 month term. Similarly for Enhanced plan range is 29.99$ to $59.99 per month and for Ultimate plan it is from 59.99$ to 119.99$ per month.

Bluehost VPS Plans




Free SSL Free SSL Free SSL
2 Cores 2 Cores 4 Cores
30 GB SSD Storage 60 GB SSD Storage 120 GB SSD Storage
1 TB Bandwidth 2 TB Bandwidth 3 TB Bandwidth
1 Free domain name 1 Free domain name 1 Free domain name
1 IP Addresses 2 IP Addresses 2 IP Addresses
30 day money back guarantee 30 day money back guarantee 30 day money back guarantee
Get Standard Plan>> Get Enhanced Plan>> Get Unlimited Plan>>

Pros  Of Bluehost VPS



 Uptime is basically reflects for how much of the time your website is online and accessible. When a user visits your website and it is not available he would turn away that means loss of business revenue.

So you would definitely prefer it to be online all the time. However, unfortunately server can be down sometime for various reasons such as, maintenance, etc.

When it comes to Bluehost VPS hosting, its performance on that parameter is pretty solid. Most of the consumers have expressed their complete satisfaction with Bluehost’s uptime service.

Its uptime averages around 99.99%, which is an excellent score. Only a few of the hosting service providers have such great uptime scores as Bluehost. This almost sums up how good their uptime performance is.

Cloudflare CDN

Bluehost VPS account allows you to integrate with Cloudflare. Cloudflare is basically a network of servers, also known as a content delivery network, that store a cached version of your website. CDN enables you to load your website faster, thus provides your website visitors a better experience.

So when someone searches or navigates through your website, they receive the content from the content delivery network (CDN), which definitely reduces the time it takes to travel data to their browser. This eventually significantly reduces the loading time of your website.

Instant Provisioning

One of the great advantage Bluehost has over its rivals is its instant provisioning time. Most of other VPS Hosting Providers can take days or at least hours before you can get your hosting rights and utilize their resources.

Nevertheless, that is not the case with Bluehost. The minute you subscribe to their VPS hosting plan you can setup your website configuration and upload the content for your users to access it.

Customer Support

Bluehost provides 24/7 in-house customer service

Bluehost has a fully functional customer support specifically for VPS hosting. You can contact technical support staff via live chat and phone.  Many other websites have a general customer support for all hosting services.

This usually frustrates users as it wastes a lot of time before they can get connected to VPS related custom support guide. Nonetheless, Bluehost’s 24/7 customer support readily assists you with any technical problem you are facing with your hosting services.

Also, if you are not satisfied with Bluehost services and want to cancel the subscription to its plan, customer support will fully guide you smoothly through transition process of unsubscribing the Bluehost services.

Free Knowledge-base Articles

Once you acquire Bluehost VPS package, you will have a large number of online resources available to you to guide you through the process of setting up your account.

Of course, if you are tech savvy you can do it on your own but for a relatively newbie this whole process can be little overwhelming. That is why Bluehost provides a “Getting Started” tool that includes resources like tutorials and videos so you can easily manage the setting of your account.

In addition, if in the future a user experiences any problem with VPS account, these extensive material resources would provide a reference to solve those issues. More importantly, these resources will also help you avoiding the cumbersome procedure of interacting with customer support staff.

BlueHost VPS Security

Bluehost has some great security features to keep your websites and applications safe. You can create passwords that grant access to specific aspects of your VPS hosting account. That makes the safety of your website and application more flexible and robust.

What really it means that you can control overall account from one password and from another password your proprietary data. Not only that but also Bluehost offers an optional two factor authentication system that would make it more difficult for a hacker to access your Bluehost account.

Moreover, you can further shore up your account security SiteLock and CodeGuard though they can availed through extra paid add-ons only.

Free SSL Certificate

SSL transfer connection from HTTP to HTTPS

Bluehost VPS hosting package provides you Free SSL Certificate. SSL Certificate— Secure Socket Locket Certificate — is an encryption protocol.  SSL is a protocol that encrypts the internet traffic and verifies a server’s identity.

Fundamentally, it creates a safe connection between your VPS hosting server and your website users and makes sure that your data do not get intercepted by unauthorised parties.

From a users’ perspective, SSL Certificates are small data files that ask users to submit sensitive information such credit card information, or passwords.

Adding free SSL Certificate into its package is a great plus for Bluehost VPS hosting not only it saves you money but also helps you avoiding the work to procure a SSL Certificate and then install it for the use with your website.

Bluehost Control Panel

Bluehost VPS package comes with control panel. With the help of control panel, you can manage your website’s hosting and accounts, and everything related to them including hosting registration, renewals or transfers, email address configuration and payment/billing.

Bluehost’ control panel is the most user friendly well customized cpanel than any of its other competitors. A single login will lead you to every manageable functions that you want to manage.

On the other hand, with most of other hosting companies makes you to login into multiple account for accessing different configuration settings. Bluehost has designed such a well-integrated and easy to use control panel that it sets Bluehost apart from rest of the hosting companies and enhances its services’ value by manifold.

Free Domain

If you are not a Bluehost customer, and you subscribe to one of their VPS hosting plans, you will get a Free Domain Name for one complete year. Bluehost allows you to choose from 15 different domain extensions include .COM, .ORG, .NET.

However, if you choose to cancel the hosting, you will be charged for it. But still, it is better to have something than nothing, isn’t it? Besides, no other hosting company provides a full-year domain for free.

30- Day Money Back Guarantee

Bluehost VPS hosting also provides you a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee if you are unsatisfied with the VPS services. Nonetheless, you will get a pro-rata rate for what is left of the term if you cancel the term after 30 days.

Besides, refunding only applies to the hosting plans but does not include add-on products you have purchased. So think before you procure any add-on product; particularly, when you are new to Bluehost VPS service and trying out its services.

More benefits With Bluehost VPS Plan

  • It is quite easy to upgrade to VPS hosting or from VPS to dedicated server without any need to move your website.
  • Bluehost VPS package also provides free SSD storage. SSD storage help in improving your website loading time as compared to traditional storage.
  • Bluehost offers a whopping 1TB bandwidth with most basic VPS plan.

Cons Of Bluehost VPS Hosting

Upselling Add-ons

Bluehost has an aggressive upsell policy, which means they keep pitching you to buy their add-on products to extend your hosting services. You may become annoyed, particularly if you are on a tight budget, with their constant upsell banner popups and sneaky links.

This is one of the most annoying things Bluehost has that you should be aware of before subscribing to Bluehost’s VPS services.

Backup Security

Bluehost VPS package do provide backup security but it is more of a complimentary service instead of a guaranteed one. That means Bluehost is provisioning this service as a courtesy but not as an obligation.

Therefore, they are not responsible for any failures or thereof lacking in the provisioning of backups service.

Furthermore, Bluehost creates three backups on daily, weekly and monthly. So you can download and restore your data of last 30 days at maximum. In this area, Bluehost really lags behind other hosting companies as other provide as much as 20 backups to choose from.

Thus, one thing is clear that you cannot use Bluehost for your backup security for that Bluehost itself recommend to procure a pro version of site back for a fee.

Migrating Charges

Another negative aspect of bluehost VPS package is its migration fee. You can easily migrate from other hosting providers to Bluehost VPS hosting. However, in order to do that you have to pay a migration fee.

Bluehost charges migration fee for which you can migrate up to 5 of your websites. This is really a frustrating thing about Bluehost since other hosting providers allow you to migrate to their VPS hosting service for free. So please keep that in mind before you think of moving Bluehost VPS hosting.

Mixed Reviews of Customer Services

Despite providing an in-house 24/7 VPS customer service Bluehost receives a mixed review for it from customers. Many of the customers have complained that their customer service is mostly robotic, and they were unable to solve customer’s issues.

Particularly, few expressed their frustration with the refunding process, as it took them really long to get back their money back from Bluehost. Unless you can withstand some patience with delays and unresponsiveness, you really keep in mind their not-so-good customer service.

Comparison with VPS hosting providers

Bluehost vs Hostinger

The most significant difference between the two hosting providers is the number of plans they provide to customers. Bluehost has only 3 tiers of plans to choose from while Hostinger has as many as six packages that can be availed as per one’s requirement.

Hostinger has a great advantage over Bluehost when it comes to price structure. The most basic plan for Hostinger comes only for 3.95$ as compared to Bluehost’s 18.99$ standard plan even though there is a stark disparity between the features of two basic plans.

So when it comes to comparison between the two, Hostinger is perfect for a newbie who is just starting his/her website and wants to straightway avail a VPS plan. On the other hand, Bluehost, being little expensive, is better for those who have outgrown for shared hosting and wants to upgrade to VPS hosting.

Bluehost vs InMotion

When it comes to pricing comparison between the Bluehost and InMotion both seems to have similar pricing level. We have made it easier for you to better understand their pricing structure.

So, if you avail their basic VPS plan for next 6 six years with highest discounted prices, then with Bluehost you would have to pay around 1400$ for next six months and with InMotion that amount would approximately 2200$. That makes things easy for you to judge both VPS hosting services on pricing parameter.

But in terms of features InMotion has decisive superiority over other websites. InMotion offers 4GB RAM, 75GB SSD storage, 4TB Bandwidth and 3 dedicated IPs. Therefore, if you can afford to let your purse a little loose, you can get really great features with InMotion that only with few more bucks.

SiteGround vs Bluehost

The SiteGround really outperforms Bluehost on parameters like Speed and Uptime. It has more responsive and engaging customer services whereas Bluehost customer service, as we have told you above, is mostly canned or robotic.

Also, SiteGround offers better backup options meanwhile Bluehost provides very limited backup options, and you will have to rely on their extra paid backup service.

In addition, SiteGround has multi-continental datacenters— in Asia. Europe and North America. This would help improving the loading time of your website if you are located in a different continent than your website visitors.

Whereas, Bluehost may has inferior performance and features but surely compensates it with cheaper deals, extensive storage facility and freebies like free domain for a year.

Bluehost VPS Review : Is Bluehost VPS Best? Final Verdict

If you have a new website or application, and you think it has a great potential for success, well then Bluehost VPS is a great option for you. Bluehost’s easy-to-configure control panel that most importantly comes free for all VPS plans, which is not the case for other VPS hosting providers.

Alone cpanel can cost you around 10$. Moreover, a free domain for a whole saves you around at least 10 bucks.Of course, Bluehost VPS package is not all hunky dory. Bluehost lags in many parameters. Its RAM and SSD storage is nowhere near to its competitors.

The bandwidth Bluehost offers is quite disappointing in comparison with other hosting websites. Its customer service has gotten mixed review, and Bluehost VPS hosting speed performance clearly does not exceed other similar hosting providers.

But on the whole, if you are looking for a balance between price and features, Bluehost has you covered. Its prices are neither too steep to gouge a hole in your pocket nor too low to unable to provide you any worthwhile VPS services.

It is more of a judgment call. There are options available for you to get hold of better features in return for higher prices like InMotion. Conversely, you can avail more cheap VPS services, which are far less impressive when comparing with Bluehost VPS hosting.

You should go for it if it meets your requirements and budget also (of course). If are an entry-level e-commerce store, mid-level blogger, or entrepreneurial application developer, Bluehost is a considerable option for you. Just figure out your needs and compare them to other above-described features and make a decision.

Bluehost Alternative:Hostinger or Greengeeks

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