SEMrush Review – A SEM Tool To Increase Your Traffic Step By Step

Product Name – SEMrush


Trending Features Like Traffic Reports,BackLink with BackLink Analysis,Income Opportunity.


Easy To Use Features,With Clear Dashboard showing all available options and sub options,New To Seo also can use.


As per my experience support is awesome and responding to the queries on the products on any issues.

Overview Of SEMrush | SEMrush Review

SEMrush ,we can see as one of the Top Leading competitor of SEO research tools Competing with Ahrefs in the market.

If you are into an SEO Professional or Aspiring,The SEMrush , may not be new for you.

In this post on SEMrush, we will be reviewing the features SEMrush has got to offer, and are they worth the value you pay for.

This post will give fully loaded information with the features of SEMrush, offers and deals to buy,How to To Use SEMrush.

SEMrush ,keeping an eye on the competitors to win the race, coming with innovative features and fixes according to the present day SEO Trend.Which helps the way people think SEO.

As tools are growing the features according to the market,We being into space of SEO, also need to be proactive to digest all the advanced features.

I want to make this Post an A-Z Guide for SEMrush, To make crystal clear on all steps and features for beginner to advanced users.

SEMrush is a one stop SEO Marketing Tool for your Global Online Business. Oleg Shchegolev was behind SEMrush and brought around 2008, with a Focussed Goal of Making business visible online.

As of now offering various features with ToolKit including SEO,Advertising, Content Marketing , Social Media  ,Competitive Research and Many Other Features – Now it’s time for us to Dig Deep with the help of this Article.

All these features are holding many useful techniques, which are getting advanced touch to make SEO More easy to automated.

SEMrush Pros & Cons | SEMrush Review

SEMrush Has multiple Pros , as every product.Score of Pros will win always, as Product features are subject to upgrade time to time, to sort out the Cons.We as an User will Focus on Pros and Let SEMrush focus on the Cons.

I am a Big Go with the Range of Pros SEMrush Product has.


  • Huge Database Of SEO Keywords Globally
  • Growing Database of Backlinks, to identify Domains Authority
  • Social Media Feature Tracks the Engagement across Social Platforms
  • Advertising Module keeps track Traffic Organically and Paid Traffic.
  • Content Marketing is Top Notch,Making Writers Work Easy To Increase Content Visibility


  • Keyword Difficulty Score is Not Reliable
  • Custom Reports available for HighEnd Plans Only
  • Backlink Database Updation is Slow Compared to Competitors

SEMrush Has multiple Pros , as every product.Score of Pros will win always, as Product features are subject to upgrade time to time, to sort out the Cons.We as an User will Focus on Pros and Let SEMrush focus on the Cons.

I am a Big Go with the Range of Pros SEMrush Product has.

Let Us Now Look Something about SEMrush Competitor Ahref

SEMrush Vs Ahref SEMrush Review

Initially we will start the Google Trends How Both SEO Tools are trending.

Hope ,This Image will give clear view of How SEMrush is aggressive n the SEO Space.

By Now ,you would have some understanding and different about SEMrush and Ahref, Where SEMrush is a large company compared to the competitor.

Even Bigger Company means,Will not get 100% vote.Irrespective of the size of the Company,Both have thier own Unique points to check out.

SEMrush is  more popular than Ahrefs for the  wide range of tools serving wide range of population.

Now,I know your question.Which is the Best?

Little Tricky,But will Clarify for view from my side.

Ahrefs holds good at the link building database. They monitor the backlinks quickly ,compared to the competitor and have large content of Training Tutorials.

Ahref Offers features like  content explorer, keyword tracker, and site audit tools ,which overlaps with SEMrush.

Now, SEMrush Recently Updated BackLink Database and is now bigger than Ahrefs ,which is Best for backlink Tracking.

With Backlink Database of 6.7 Trillion Backlinks, No Question,SEMrush is the Largest Backlink Database.

In Addition SEMrush loaded with Advanced Features,Which Holds Top of competitor.

Will through some Focus On pricing, both comes with similar price. But with the feature SEMrush offers worth for Money.

Ahrefs has 7-day trial for $7.

On the other hand, SEMrush typically offers a Free 7-Day and 30-day Free Trial on High End Plans also .You can try SEMrush Pro for 30-days with our SEMrush free trial with no question asked cancellation with in 30 days.

Based on these all this points,I stay Neutral as Both have thier own work model.

If you are purely looking for Backlink Related Data, Go for Ahref.

On the other hand with same price, SEMrush Will give loads of features including Backlinks.

SEO Features | SEMrush Review

In the Features Section ,Will see.

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Competitive Research
  3. Building BackLink
  4. Keyword Rank Tracking
  5. OnPage and Technical SEO

Keyword Research  SEMrush Review

Keyword Overview, Keyword Magic Tool, Keyword Difficulty Score. are our major focus under the Keyword Research Section.

With every search, you will get various statistics like Volume of Keyword, CPC, Keyword Difficulty ,Keyword Competition, and keyword results. It also displays the phrase match and keyword suggestions related to the search term.

Visually user can see the trend graph of the keyword searched for, to help user to see if the keyword is worth working on it,Trendy helps you showing the right duration when traffic will be high.

Can see SERP results list for the keyword searched for.

Keyword Magic Tool is another useful feature Under keyword Research to see Broad match of the keywords,Exact keyword and more related keyword for the keyword searched for.

Results are divided into Keyword Variations,Questions and Related keywords.

Competitive Research  SEMrush Review

As part of Competitive Research , analysing the domains are now easy, we have option to analyse organic research, Traffic analytics, keyword gap and Backlink Gap related stuff.

Under the Domain Overview section, you can enter in any domain name to verify the the information of the Domain.

As part of Competitive Analysis,Checking on the Domain Overview is a primary task.With Domain Overview, we can see the Traffic Trend By Organic and Paid ,which also fetch Domain Authority Score By SEMrush and Top Backlink overview.

It’s typically the starting point whenever you are doing any competitor site research.

You’ll get to know the site’s traffic, paid traffic (if any), backlinks, organic traffic graph, top organic keywords, referring domains and much more.We can can more detailed metrics for all concepts of SEO with Domain Overview.

Get an option to verify worldwide and also country wide for Environments Like Desktop and Mobile.With Mobile Option we can get all the analytics related to Mobile Space.

Recent Days SEMrush introduced many features,One of them is Traffic Analytics, which is helpful in analysing page views, visitors, bounce rate of any Domain.

Traffic Analytics will help in analysing different competitor sites to finalise a plan, how you can move further on your site to beat the competition.You have an option to see the source of traffic for Paid and Organic.With this feature SEMrush stands Top compared to Ahrefs.

Now magic of Organic Research arrives with focussed information on all the keywords the competitor domains are ranking, based on the keywords your competitor ranking, you have option to analyse, how better you write your content beating the competition based on the competitor keywords.

Here SEMrush Comes into picture, what is the lacking in your content compared to competitor content,This data a feature from Semrush delivers ,named Keyword Gap Analysis.

Keyword gap Feature shows you ,what are keywords which competitors are ranking and what are common keywords ?and strength of keywords of the Domains.Such information is great source which helps our content to make strong.

Backlink Gap is another feature, which helps you to identify the backlinks of the competitor, which gives chance to build your website backlink profile also.

Building BackLink SEMrush Review

Give any Domain name or Url, SEMrush does the rest ,fetching and displaying the backlinks with anchor text and referring domains.I like very best features In Link Building is Email Outreach,Just give your Keyword and URL,SEMRush will get all the opportunities for doing an outreach.

No hassle to search for emails in the others Websites. SEMrush will fetch the emails in the website, where there is possibility for Link Building Outreach.Initiating Email Outreach is as Easy as a Submit Button with Inbuilt feature of SEMRush.SERush will track the Email Outreach Status for Emails Sent.For outreach, you can Integrate Gmail.,Email Outreach Limit will be based on the Gmail Limit .If we move a step forward, it will be backlink audit,SEMRush Offers Best in the Market Backlink Audit Tool,As part of processing Backlink Audit,Need to inout website or domain name, to analyse the already existing backlinks.

Personally I feel SEMRush Backlink Database updating little late compared to the competitors,Integration of Google Console can help to some extent.SEMrush as part of Audit Feature,Analyses the backlink and provide information on backlink health also,If any backlink is harmful, gives recommendation to review the same, with disavow option toxic backlinks can be ignored.

Keyword Rank Tracking SEMrush Review

All-In-One SEO Marketing Tool – SEMrush added with a Keyword Ranking Feature, where in you can give the keywords you want to rank,Which will display the ranking and recent ranking changes.For this You need to provide the domain or your website and the keywords you want to rank to that website.This ranking track can help to plan the seo work accordingly,So Get ready to Track your Keyword Rankings.

On Page and Technical SEO SEMrush Review

On-Page & Technical SEO helps us to to On-Page SEO Audit and do analyse of Technical SEO.We get great analysis of on page seo like internal linking details, any broken link details in the site, speed of each page and many required tips to improve our OnPage and Technical SEO.Site Audit You can run once and provide frequency to run, so that Audit will be running and reporting to us on any major changes.Website is not a one page, to check manually,Websites has multiple pages, doing manually is not possible,SEMrush does that for you and keep monitoring the domain changes also.

SEMrush Pricing SEMrush Review

With Loads of Advanced Features ,It’s time to look on pricing, SEMrush Prices starts at $99.95 per month.

Bit costly ,yah but worth the Money,Tip:Just Give it a SEMrush Trail , to decide for future plans.

Recommendations:If you are ,Newly Into SEO,Blogger, Small Website Owner, then SEMrush Pro plan is best Fit.

Other Plans like SEMrush Guru and SEMrush Business are Business Plans, and Best Fit for Agencies.

Conclusion & Verdict SEMrush Review

I can say without any hesitation,SEMRush is an all-in-one SEO  tool I’ve come across. A perfect Tool to Improve your Website or Blogs online visibility .

Though Many SEO Tools in the Live Market, SEMrush is an all-in-one tool with a full SEO package.

Improving in the backlinks scope, which made extra focus on SEMrush backlink databases in the world. This is really helping hand and inspiring for the  SEO Guys.

SEMrush Holds all the features Like Social Media Poster,Keyword Rank Tracker,OnPage SEO audit,Backlink Tracker ,which other tools are offering.

If you are the one searching for Full SEO Package with Bundles of features, SEMrush is a perfect fit for you.

Note:For using SEMrush trail, credit card or any payment card is required, however ,you will not be charged until your free trail completes,SEMrush Trial Without Credit Card is not possible.

Disclosure & Disclaimer: This article contain affiliate links or urls, which means that if you click on one of the product related links or Url, TrendyAvinash will receive small commission with no additional cost to you. We publish reviews after thorough testing of the products & features . All reviews or points focussed are purely my own and no influence from any other.

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