BloggingElite - PDF Submission

Top 10 PDF Submission Sites: With High DA And PA

I already published list on Social Bookmarking Website List

Beside Social Bookmarking,Another Vital Concept of Off-Page SEO is Pdf Submission.

I am sure,Pdf Submission Website list is part of your works for increasing website authority.

Not Yet?,Add it now and take leverage of huge traffic to PDF hosting websites .Huge referral traffic from Pdf Sites.

With the advancement in Web technology, PDF formatted documents have created a lot of buzz in the digital marketing world.

They have become popular enough because of their creative interaction aids like text along with images, videos, and other graphic contents.

Top brands prefer PDF formats for their brochures, flyers, and other digital promotion services.

In this article, we would discuss in-depth about PDF submission sites list and how they are helpful in link building.

PDF Submission Sites

Most of the online platforms and websites accept submissions in PDF formats to share information over the Web with huge followers.

Generally, these sites have a higher Domain and Page Authority along with high PR. And these websites amplify your chances to rank higher in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

PDF documents are a constructive way to send information to users distantly. The PDF documents aided with icons, texts, images, hyperlinks, fonts, videos, and many more.

For Off-page Search engine optimization, they are used to share information with the linked contents and keywords as well as for Dofollow quality.

In the case of brand endorsements, PDF documents provide useful and factual information about the product and brand services.

PDF Submission for SEO

Many sites use PDF submissions with proper data in the right format. If you have relevant content then either you can use an online generator to change the data format into PDF, or you can download free software from the Internet to convert your raw doc files into PDF documents.

Mentioned below are steps how to submit PDF documents for PDF Submission sites:

  1. Open a PDF Submission Site.
  2. Register with your original information or sign-in using a valid email account.
  3. Create a personal or company profile on that particular site.
  4. Upload your respective PDF file using the appropriate option.
  5. Publish your file on the site and save the URL. The URL will be used for the SEO report.

Importance of PDF Submission Sites

Since bots are now able to examine and gather the information from PDF files, PDF promotion service has thus become one of the most vital SEO marketing tools.

Now you know how to convert documents into PDF formats, these PDF formatted documents can be manually submitted to the most popular and trusted PDF Submission Sites (top 10 PDF submission sites list are mentioned below).

Here are some listed benefits of such sites:

  • The prime importance of these sites is they help in sharing information. These sites have huge followers and high DA and PA scores. Thus, they are a better source of link building.
  • Most PDF Submission Sites follow agile indexing, and so does for your uploaded document too. Fast indexing helps you to rank higher in SERPs.
  • These sites are efficient enough to make your document rank higher in SEO rankings.
  • A more top ranking in SERPs will provide higher traffic to your website.
  • PDF Submission Sites are a very convenient medium of sending and receiving information.
  • PDF Submission Sites provide information in digital format that is more eye-pleasing and more comfortable to interpret.

PDF submission Tips

Before we begin with the tips, we would recommend you keep both the HTML version and PDF format of your text available with you.

The mentioned tips are regular On-Page SEO.

Convert PDF files into readable texts

Convert all your PDF files into text files. If your files are scanned copies then you can use OCR (Optical Mark Recognition), this particular feature is available in Adobe Acrobat.

This practice helps search engines to read your files.

Make your PDF title user attractive and clickable.

Make your PDF title user attractive so that whenever they come across the title, it compels them to click and read it. A simple title would not attract massive traffic towards your PDF file.

There are some free title generator tools available on the Internet; you can also refer to such tools to create a catchy and high clickable PDF title.

Implement ALT text to your images.

If your PDF submission file contains images or other graphics, do not forget to apply ALT text (“Alternate Text”) in the code of the image. This, in turn, eases Search Engines to classify the image.

While writing the name of the image in the codes do not merely mention “image.jpeg”. It would be best if you give a detailed title to your image code.

This practice will help the Search Engine to understand your image’s purpose clearly.

Do not spam.

Do not upload spam PDF files in any of the PDF Submission Sites to gain backlinks. Google might consider the entire site spam and remove it from Search Engine Result Pages forever.

Always remember your content matters the most. High-quality and plagiarism-free content will provide you with not only trustworthy backlinks but also huge traffic and engagements.

Use keyword enriches tags.

Most PDF Submission Sites allow you to insert tags, for example, ALT tags in images. These tags maximize your PDF visibility chances and even attract more audience (traffic) to your PDF site.

So always try to incorporate relevant keyword tags for better audience visibility and enriched traffic.

Here are the Top 10 PDF Submission Sites List 2021

SL No. Site Name Site’s URL Link Type
1. Slideshare ( DoFollow
2. Scribd ( DoFollow
3. Zoho ( DoFollow
4. Box  ( DoFollow
5. Wattpad ( DoFollow
6. 4shared ( DoFollow
7. Issuu ( DoFollow
8. Sendspace ( DoFollow
9. Box ( DoFollow
10. Calameo ( DoFollow

Wrap Up

PDF Submission is an essential section for the Off-Page SEO link-building technique. It offers a trailblazing way to share information as well as a high-quality backlink.

The speciality of these files is they are digital documents that are readily available on different platforms and compatible even with smart phones, laptops, Mac books, and other electronic devices.

PDF submissions are a major means of different brand promotion on online platforms. They are enriched with interactive media elements like texts, images, videos and many more.

Even in 2021, the trend remains the same, but now different brands use the sites to promote their PDF documents with useful resources.

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