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How to delete Fiverr Account: Detailed Step by Step Guide

Hey, are you looking for a guide on how to delete Fiverr account permanently? If the answer is yes, then you are in the perfect place. Many people manage to create their Fiverr account but find it hard to close this account in the right way.

If you are a newbie in Fiverr or just a person who got sick and tired of Fiverr, this article is for you. Well, details about how to delete a Fiverr account are given below.

Just follow the steps that we have described for you. It is very easy to delete a Fiverr account and the steps can be followed exactly as they are given below.

Let us understand in detail:

Understanding how the Freelancing Platform Fiverr works

If you’re a freelancer or someone who sells their services online for clients, you probably have heard of Fiverr, one of the most popular freelance platforms in the world.

This massive freelance market has millions of freelancers offering dozens of different services to buyers at incredibly low prices.

In the online freelance world, Fiverr continues to be one of the most popular freelance services platforms on the market today. In fact, it’s only getting more popular. Just recently, Fiverr announced that they have around 3.5 million registered freelancers in their database.

Fiverr is one of the first online freelancing platforms where sellers offer their services at a base price of $5. A wide range of services is available for anyone who would like to outsource their work but doesn’t have the expertise to handle it themselves, or even if someone doesn’t feel like spending too much money on such service.

Fiverr acts as a marketplace where businesses can find service providers to help them with projects. If you’re a digital marketing agency or an online business owner, you can directly hire freelancers through Fiverr. It’s a great way to find someone to help your business grow.

Fiverr is a great way to sell or buy your services online, but if you want to leave the platform, it’s not that easy – because there is no direct, obvious way to actually delete your account.

If you are looking for a complete guide for Fiverr, this article will help you understand how Fiverr works and provide information on how to delete Fiverr account.

Important rules to follow before deleting the Fiverr account

There are many reasons why you need to delete your Fiverr account. It can be when you realize that it’s not as comfortable as you thought in the beginning, or just to create another one with different features.

Here, we will guide you on how to delete your Fiverr account and the rules you need to follow before closing it.

Fiverr accounts include a lot of services, all of which provide the sellers and users with a wide spectrum of different benefits.

There are both advantages and disadvantages of Fiverr; therefore, there are two different opinions concerning whether it is important to delete the Fiverr account or not.

One of the main concerns of a Fiverr seller is to know whether he can delete his Fiverr account once he finishes selling his gigs to other people. Also, leaving Fiverr means losing all the reviews and ratings that you have done for your orders.

But don’t worry; we assure you that this article is made in such a way that teaches you in detail how to delete your Fiverr account.

Deleting your Fiverr account is not something that should be done hastily. There are rules and procedures to follow before you can delete your account for good. They are as follows:

  • The truth is that you are unable to close your Fiverr account if you have an available balance there. This can be either fund that you earned by completed orders on the platform or what’s leftover after a refund (if made by customer request).
  •  You also can’t close your account if you have pending orders and there might be customers still interested in ordering services from you.
  • Please note that once you have deleted your account you will be unable to open a new one with the same email address or username. We recommend not using this option to close an account if you plan on reactivating it in the future.
  • When your account is closed, the business page will remain on Fiverr. This means that anyone can see your name, your phone number, and the public information you’ve shared on the website.

Above are the steps to remember before deciding to delete the fiver account. Deleting or closing your Fiverr account is a very tuff decision because you cannot get your data back again. Hence, with a cool mind decide whether you want to delete your Fiverr account or not.

5 Detailed steps for how to delete Fiverr account (with screenshots)

If you are someone who is looking for the proper method to delete your Fiverr account. Then you’re in the right place. Here, is the detailed step-by-step procedure for how to delete a Fiverr account to follow:

Step 1  

  • Login to
  • By using any computer, phone, or tablet and fill in all the login details appropriately

Step 2

  • Click on your profile picture (If you have uploaded a profile photo) on the top-right corner of Fiver
  • If not then click on the First initial letter of your name there
  • This will expand the menu options for you 

Step 3

  • Click the settings option in the menu
  • You will find this setting option somewhere in the middle of many other options

Step 4

  • Now from the “Account Deactivation” section click on the reason options and select the reason why you want to delete your Fiverr account
  • You can also add a description in case you need to provide more information for deleting your Fiverr account

 Step 5 

  • Lastly, Click on the green deactivate account button
  • By this step, your Fiverr account is deleted/closed

By following all the steps, your Fiverr account is deleted or closed temporarily. 

Important rules to follow after deleting the Fiverr account

After you have requested to delete your Fiverr account, you will see a message on your Fiverr dashboard. This message will ask you to complete your profile information and then click on the “Complete actions” button. You must follow all the rules and recommendations mentioned in the message.

This will help ensure things go smoothly during the deletion process. If you follow all the steps correctly, your Fiverr account will be deleted from the platform and you will receive a final confirmation email.

After deleting the Fiverr account, you are still bound to abide by the rules, according to which the company operates. This fact should be remembered, especially in order not to engage in undesirable practices.

Difference between closing and permanently deleting Fiverr account

If you are not getting enough business through Fiverr, or you want to terminate your Fiverr freelancing businesses then you can close your Fiverr account, There are only two types of exiting from Fiverr as a freelancer, which is either close down to the account or permanently delete the account.

You might consider closing but this is just temporary and it becomes active again. In other words, you should permanently delete your fiverr account. This is important to do because it doesn’t reflect any kind of bad history on Fiverr. The closure allows you to have a profile page while the website is not active.

Permanently deleting your Fiverr account is different from closing and you need to do this the right way to avoid any issues.

To delete your Fiverr account permanently, you first have to close your Seller account. The easiest way to do this is by following all the previous steps mentioned in the above paragraphs for how to delete a Fiverr account.

Once the required fields of the “Request for Account Deletion” form have been completed by the customer, then the Customer Support Team will fulfill the request.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can anyone delete the Fiverr account and make a new one?

Fiverr is a very famous and legit site to do your online business. It provides the best service by its ever large base buyer and sellers. It seems to be its hidden problem when you are not satisfied with the gigs you have placed in your account.

You can delete your account and make a new one but with the username and email you used before. The records will be deleted permanently. But if you are not satisfied with your gig once it is already purchased, you can edit the gig at any time before delivery and change the description, picture, or anything listed.

Can a single person have 2 Fiverr accounts?

There is no restriction on creating two accounts. In case of an audit, the Fiverr team will request you to provide proof of address (any public government document with the name, photo, and address) for each one.

There are many scammers on Fiverr. They take advantage of people who have accounts in 2 different locations and try to scam you by asking for money without providing you service. Please be aware of how a scammer tries to lure you and never give them any preference over the other buyers or sellers on Fiverr.

What is the difference between a seller and a buyer in a Fiverr account?

When you sign up with Fiverr, you get the option to get it done either as a buyer or a seller.

As a seller, you are making money from the sales you make. You’re the one who’s promoting your services. Whereas as a buyer, you’re looking for services and someone’s willing to provide them for cheap. Now, this is not limited to just one person.

There are various people both on the buyer side and the seller side. Most of us need services from other people at times and we don’t have an upper hand in that situation as we usually do while negotiating with someone. That is where Fiverr comes into play!

What is the meaning of Gig Extras and Gig multiples?

Gig Extras and Gigs Multiples are an easy way for sellers to increase the price of their service based on buyer demand. A Gig Extra allows you to purchase an additional service on top of a seller’s Gig for an extra price.

Gig Extras are a way for sellers to provide buyers of their Gig with more services/bonuses. This can include things like extra revisions, customizations, adding new pages, or even getting a unique cover design for that book you’re writing!

If a seller specifies one or more Gig Extras will be included when they offer their gig to the marketplace, then the price of these extras will be added to the base price of the gig before shipping and tax are applied. 

What are the payment modes when using the Fiverr Account?

When it comes to using the Fiverr account, you can pay for your Gigs using your PayPal account, debit/credit card, or gift card.

Hopefully, by now, all your queries have been answered.


Fiverr has enabled a marketplace for digital services from freelancers around the globe to meet customers’ needs. The Fiverr community consists of people with different skill sets who are committed to providing quality service, at a low cost.

The freelancer community on Fiverr is a diverse one – there are over 1.5 Million services offered by more than 125,000 Sellers from over 200 countries around the globe. 

There are many reasons why Fiverr’s customers use this platform. Whether it’s cost, convenience, or access to thousands of talented people, we believe that the best reason to choose Fiverr is to trust

The fastest growing and most dependable freelance marketplace in the world. But sometimes for some circumstances or bad user experience, people tend to delete or close their Fiverr account which is not difficult.

We are confident by this article you have gained enough information about the Fiverr working procedure and a step-by-step guide for how to delete Fiverr account.

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